5 Cameron Phegley-Walker
Cameron Phegley-Walker
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Los Angeles, CA
  • High School:
    Bishop Mora Salesian
  • Position:


Major: Transnational Security Studies

Favorite Movie(s): Inception, Anchorman, Gone in 60 Seconds

Favorite Food(s): Chicken, Pasta, Anything that's home cooked

Hobbies: Volleyball, Video Games, 1Cs daily DJ

Reasons for Choosing Rivier University: Volleyball

Favorite College Memory(s): IC, Snow days, Canterbury, Taking the 2K13 association too serious

College Athletic Awards: GNAC Rookie of the week

Heroes: My Father

Favorite Professional Sport and Team: Los Angeles Lakers, St. Louis Rams, USA Men's Volleyball

Favorite College Sport and Team: USC Football, UCLA Men's Basketball

Something Interesting about me: I have a higher I.Q. than George W. Bush. Interesting? Yea I know...